
We take camper safety very seriously. Our Health Center is well-prepared for the bumps, bruises and stings of camp life and staffed by a health professional with access to a physician if needed during each session. They are even heroes for our home-sick kids and can ease the anxiety that can come from being away from home. Our nurses also administer any medications as needed (all prescription medications are stored in the Health Center)


Medications sent to camp must be clearly marked, in the original container, with doctor’s name, dosage and instructions. Please do not pack medication into daily pill organizers.

All medications MUST BE turned into the nurse at check-in, including over-the-counter meds. Do not pack any medication in luggage. Medications must be stored in the Health Center and dispensed by health care professionals. Medications are not permitted in the cabin except for emergency medications including inhaler and epipen. Please make sure you have provided enough medication for the duration of your camper’s stay.

Health History forms are due by May 15. Please complete them to the best of your knowledge and include information on any medication, past medical history, activity restrictions or concerns in order to help us keep your child safe and healthy. A physical, within the last 24 months, is recommended, but not required, to attend camp.

A medical professional will be on site and stationed in our Health Center throughout the entire session. Camp provides over-the-counter medication to campers on an as-needed basis. If there are any medications that your camper cannot have please include that information on the form. Health Center staff will care for campers with minor illness or injury without notifying guardians, this includes dispensing over the counter medication.

If your camper needs additional medical assistance outside of what can be provided at camp or visits the Health Center repeatedly for the same treatment we will notify guardians by phone.


Missing home is normal for both first-time and returning campers. Our staff are trained on how to speak with campers who may experience these feelings and work with them to handle these emotions. Here are some things you can do prior to camp to help prepare you and your camper for a successful session:

Encourage independence throughout the year. Practice spending the night away from home with friends or family.

Have camper help pick out and pack their belongings for camp. Attend Family Camp, Open House or come for a tour of camp before summer.

Talk about what it is like to sleep in a cabin or role play. Set your camper up for success: please do not promise campers phone calls or to pick them up if they feel homesick. Focus on how to manage or work through the feelings and let them know they can reach out to their counselor for help. 

Send emails or letters to your camper. Feel free to send ahead of time or leave them with staff at drop off to ensure they arrive while your child is at camp Send pre-addressed and stamped envelopes with camper so they can write home.

Next Steps

We want your camp experience to be the best it can be, please contact us if you would like more information.

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